Solid Organ Cancer Research
Solid Organ Cancer Research
Case Report
case11# The world first successful lentiviral gene therapy treating CGD
Dec 25th, 2019

A 2-month-old boy with X-CGD

The history of disease:

First diagnosis of disease: 07/08/2018 The type of disease: X-CGD

Main symptom: Severe pulmonary infection (brother died at 5-month of age)

Medication for pulmonary infection:

Cefoperazone sodium

sulbactam sodium



Amphotericin B

Immunotherapy: No

Others: No

Clinical Trial Number:
Enrolled date: 07/18/2018

Interventions: Lentiviral CYBB gene to modify CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells collected from the patient's bone marrow.

GVHD Grade: 0 other side effects: No

Treatment response: CR

Disease-free interval: 1 year 4 months

Current status: in good condition

Disease images after gene therapy lung infection:

After infusion day 39 After infusion day 55             After infusion day 105

üNo significant abnormality was seen in the CT done at 105 days after infusion.

üThe pulmonary infection was relieved with decreased dosage of antimicrobial agents.